The Blogging Mania

Friday, 8 April 2011
3 days of dormancy!!!3 days!!!!Now that is something very untypical of my blog. However, I am not sure, whether it is the characteristic of the archetype blogger or I am engulfed into blog-o-mania!!

More than a month now I have been writing my blog, I would like to state my feelings. Till a few days ago, I wasn’t very sure what exactly my hobby was. I am addicted to music, true, but I am not sure whether music can be termed to be a hobby coz that’s something half the world says. So a hobby is supposed to be genuine and blogging gave me one. Now writing is something I have been enjoying a lot. Its not just about penning down my experience thoughts or feelings, but its about understanding them better. Its about giving my thoughts a meaning, its about expressing and making my heart free.

Well I am not sure whether I can match the coolness of “babe” in my language or the brilliance of my senior SM or my junior SM..(oops..I just realized both their initials match..maybe SMs are born writers or poets ;)) but ya, I can match the frequency at which my heart creates thoughts. I wanted people to read my blog and comment and all. Don’t think too many people actually do that. At some point of time I felt discouraged, but realized soon that, its about expressing myself to myself, not about publicizing myself, its about doing something I enjoy, something I should have done way before. And if noone, ”dude” and “babe” are always there to be forced to read my blog. Between, theres been just one person, a gud frnd of mine, who has commented honestly on my blog’s quality. According to her, my blog is not reader friendly as I use “difficult” words. Well, I am not very sure of that but I appreciated that she did give some feedback. Noone else does.

Not sure how to end this post. But yeah I am happy that I am blogging. And I promise to speak my heart out at Ansuman Express. Its just a beginning and a long journey awaits.

Signing off


  1. Ankita said...:

    "babe" says thanks for d "cool" complement but queries if the second succeeding line implies her posts dont display brilliance :-x
    yeah, u do commit a lot of forceful atrocities on "babe" besides blogging, it wont be a first, nor your last
    n about the poem following this, I did not read it, mostly because your parlance makes me wonder what d hell progress have i made in GRE if i know nothing!! I sympathize with your "gud frnd" and I second her thoughts....ur blog is unfriendly for us denizens with normal IQ!!

  1. A.M. said...:

    Babe is never satisfied with any compliment..I am not to blame for that.And about the poem, I think maybe thats the only one to complain about but my "gud frnd" gave that comment after readin my 2nd post in the blog..So u btr decide on that basis

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