The Perpetual Raters

Monday 28 March 2011

Can someone really be so darn beautiful that even a glimpse of hers can make your eye-balls spin and toss like a coin inside!!Or was it just a dream? No, she is indeed real. But…aargh!!Indeed, I have a very capricious mind. Its not that for what m writing this. This is a sheer disapproval for the calumny I received from the group- the group which constitutionally sequestered me off its activities: The Elite Rating Group. Guess what it is???
Well we rate pretty girls :P. The rating system ranges from 0-10. The group members (only) have the priviledge to rate and the final rating is the average of all the ratings.
9-10: Exceptional
We don’t rate beyond that :P. Well, but damn, the now the group members dared to question the sense of rating I have. They say I have got weird tastes. But all I believe that I do rank the prettiest, sweetest and cutest girls higher :D. This is totally unacceptable. M gonna barge into the group guys and alter all your bloody tastes. Do wait for the brawl ;).
Aah!!m sorry readers if any at all!! The impossible syllabi for tomorrow’s internals has got me out of my mind. No offence to anyone!!N sorry for my mind-boggling posts.Signing off


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