Monday, 8 August 2011

Flashback: 4th July 2011 12 Midnight
I kept on looking excitedly at the clock as it ticked about in its usual manner, the last few minutes felt like ages. I wondered that how the clock never feels bored, coz what it does is pretty much a boring and monotonous task, ticking its 3 hands 24/7/365. But actually a clock is an exemplar of patience and perseverance, something no matter how much I try, I fail miserably. Leave that for now.

So finally the second hand went past 12 and it was 4th July 2011.. And guess what the day was??? No, I am not talking about American Independence day :D. I am talking about something more significant than that, it was my birthday :D. The clock had done its duty, now the attention was off on to my cell.. I kept on staring at the Katrina kaif wallpaper in my cell, admiring her beautiful curves ;P, desperately waiting for the cell screen to light up and the harry potter theme to start beeping. In short, I was waiting for my friends to call.

The sad thing was I was in a new place and no one knew about my birthday expect one friend in my hostel, whom I just felt like telling. As he was too sleepy, he came around 11.30 PM and went to sleep. And I was left waiting again for a call. I waited and waited but not a single call or message came. I was already very disappointed. Felt like all my friends forgot me. And indeed they had. I switched off the lights and slammed my phone on the table and suddenly it started ringing. And the name brought a big bright smile on to my face, it was my best friend “dude”. I talked to him about 10 mins and then went off to sleep. I was kind of happy at least he didn’t forget.

The next day, a few calls and messages did come, but believe me, the excitement was all over, I was already on to work. Nothing mattered now that life has already changed, I realized that the same is true for my friends. They forget my birthday the same way I started feeling so very trite about the day. Just like “dude” hardly gets time to call me nowadays. Ya, “she” did text me contrary to my expectations, that was the only good part about it. And the highlight of the day was the attempt of my friends there to offer me a GPL. I hope you people know about GPL and for those geeks who don’t know , it is “**** pe laat”. As my birthday always used to come during the summer vacations, so I hadn’t yet become a victim to that concept. Believe me it hurts, and the pain stayed for a day, u realize the worst part of it when you go to toilet :P.

So finally , I was 22. Never realized when 22 years went past. And with every year, I feel I am getting more and more mature. Often I think of things that I did, may be a few years ago. May be then it seemed very plausible to me, but those very things make me feel embarrassed, I feel, had I then added the few missing years’ experience and maturity I have now, I wouldn’t have done it. But that’s the way life is supposed to be. And tell you something, might seem weird, but if someone asks me what I would like to do in the last few years of my life, I would like to watch a video tape of the significant moments of my life, both good and bad and according to me, you can’t expect a better movie than the flashbacks of your own life.

Anyway, its dinner time and I am at home. So I can’t tell you anything more coz I am starved as I hardly get good food in hostel and I want to gorge my mom made food as much as I can. So c ya all.. Have a good time :)

Signing off


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