The Rain Dream

Sunday, 21 September 2014

The rain, it pours through the window panes
In the hazy glass, I drive down the lanes
The silhouette of that face dances down my mind
I close my eyes, and very close, its her I find
“Is it a dream?”- Puzzled I think
But so wonderful the feeling, I let it sink
An angel, she comes, in a wedding gown
Overwhelms my senses, in beauty profound
Holding her hands, I walk into the rain
The touch, as such, cleared all my pain
The relief was such that it got me high
My heart soon began to fly
A rainbow she was in the rain
Colours she brought to my life again
Lost was I in her sky of love
Little I realised, when the storm broke off
Scared I was, I held her tight
I wasn’t gonna let her go out of sight
Tighter I held on to my butterfly
Oblivious the grip did hurt her by
But why?
The storm had blocked the flow
of Expressions, that delved in low
I sought and fought to find the stream
The lost flow of my lovely dream
It was lost, and my grip
Made worse the storm and the trip
Exhausted the heart, just the faith rests
The hope that it is just a test
Oblivious she is in the storm
Unaware of the grip’s trembling form
Till it stops, I am ready to be lone
The love that is, will never be forgone
It wasn’t a dream- soon my mind mumbled
She was my Dream, who held my heart humbled
Sooner or later, as the dream wanes
I come back through the window, as it rains
And close I find her, every moment, time and again!!!



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