The Recent Past

Monday, 10 March 2014

It seems like I am on to the end of a fascinating journey. A journey which involved several crests and troughs,fun and frolic, giving and recieving and a whole lot of good and bad.But its been a journey worth remembering. Now lets save reminiscing the whole journey for a later post and wander into the world of the recent past.Delving into those 14 days!! Away from home, Away from work, Away from friends, Away from people who matter onto the building of a quest which was never faced. A quest which was very new, very challenging but I loved it. That first flight,The first takeoff, the ultimate feeling of a surge, the sudden and smooth generation of acceleration, the feeling of being high, high up in the sky, the fast moving world taking a rapid turnaround into a landscape of tiny lined stationary dots, the way they look on a google map view, a speck of lights and a wonder of sight. Those meetings with people special, people close to the heart but away from the mind, the sudden realisation of the bond we share,turned the quest into a wonderful and a wholesome experience.The world at times feels a small place. The realisation dawned upon on changing my coordinates pretty substantially 3 times in 3 consecutive days and meeting three different people. And then what? Back Home! A quiet celebration of another long journey, an anniversary of the two people forever closest to my heart, and then back to work, back to friends! And know what, being away, I never felt away, I felt closer to people who mattered, the insecurity was minimal, all the good feelings dispersed all around me. And back here with a lot of hopes for better things to come by. And back, till now, it has seemed dreamy. The bike rides and a day dive into the country with a cavalcade of heart warming mates, those memories, those bring-a-smile-to-face clicks!! Ah sometimes life seems perfect without anything. Sometimes it feels happy to be happy without reason and sometimes happiness arrives on just being happy. I believe the pursuit of happiness has better things in store for me and when I say me, it also encompasses the people around me. The world goes a full round, what it takes,it gives back abound, happiness makes my patronus profound, Funny it might seem, but I just love now the way I sound :)

Signing off


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