What Money Can Buy..

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Term- 3 begins!! 15 days of vacation comes to an end. And here I am back at base. The vacations weren’t very eventful, but the feeling at being home is always that of being in a different world altogether.
Its been a long time I haven’t been writing my blog. Well, not really intentional, I have been so busy writing so many other things that I really haven’t got time for this. Or is it? May be its never about time, its just about priorities. It is just a lack of motivation, a lack of reason, a lack of any such inspiration to write, something/someone stole them all!!
And talking about money, can money also be a priority? Yes it can. For some people. Maybe for a lot of them. Money has the power even to bring about motivation and the zeal to do things. Money matters!! But how much? And How far??
I am pursuing a career, people say, whose sole purpose is to earn more money. And its true as well. An honest answer (of course, its too dangerous to be too honest) to the question “why mba” could well be more money and if you want to extend with some more irrelevant stuff, then better career perspectives blah blah!!
And so does everyone opines. When I think, why I chose this career, I wonder!! Was it really about the money as people say? What and how much money can buy? How long can it buy? I don’t mean to say money doesn’t matter. But after a certain limit, no matter, how much more you have, its all the same. For me, this career was just a stepping stone to something else. It gave me the conviction to believe that I exist and can very well exist further. And again the question, did I chose it? I would call the question rather too ambiguous because it chose me. Is it the road ahead? I would say its just a means to an end!
A few days back, a friend reminded me of the Myntra discount offer going on!! My first thought was we try to earn money, we try to make judicious use of it too, we try saving it, manipulating it, doing so many things to it. But can it buy anything more than some material pleasures? I wish there were some offers about things that money can’t do anything about. Yes, there are a lot of things that money can’t buy. And I don’t want to get started with what they are, because we all know it.
I wish money could have bought me things I want! But when I ponder, there is hardly anything, I want, that money could buy. I wish life gave discount offers too. A 2 day sale where you ask the heavens for anything and it got answered!! But unfortunately life has a much more complex business model than Myntra. What you want is what you hardly get, what is right is what you get, what is right is beyond our sight, and what we sight, is merely an illusion.
If we consider possession or well-being to be a dependant variable W varying linearly, let M be the money factor and Life be the variable “x” factor
W= M + l *x where l is dynamic variable dependant on numerous known and unknown variables
-∞ As long as ‘l’ varies this defiantly, what can the M factor do??? Probably this l is what we call destiny!! And that is all that matters!!
Signing Off


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