19 May 2011 7.30 PM
Hi all!! Its raining cats and dogs. The thunder and lightning give the picture of an noisy opera going around. My emergency light is not working. And I am sitting with a flickering candle which may go off any moment, writing this post. And as I don’t have a lappy, m penning this down on a notebook. M getting crazy about writing blogs, bt one thing, I have realized, I love writing, too late, but too good a realization.
My cousin, 2 years younger to me is busy preaching Bhagwad Gita to my mom n mausi and they are enraptured. My god!!my lil bhai, is so lost in the spiritual world, in God!! God save him!! I sat there with them trying to grasp the essence of what he was talking about but failed miserably. So I got back to my way of preaching, LOL. Nor can I start text-chatting which is my best waste-time, no charge in phone.
Moving on to what the post is all about. A few days ago, I made my mom read my blog. She wasn’t very impressed. Her reply “ Why do u write about such rubbish, write about GOD”. All I could think o saying “oh my god!!!GOD!!!!”. It was a subject very esoteric to my senses or call it a jargon may be. But then I thought how wrong I have been. Something had indeed slipped my mind, How at all did I miss out God!!! So this ones dedicated to my parents.
Now talking about God, must say, I don’t have much of an idea of what God is. As it is, its more or less of a belief than anything else. But why God? Its because there are certain things in the world that are beyond human intervention. Now forget all that. I really wonder how people can at all call themselves atheists or agnostics!! May be they have a reason. May be they believe whatever they do in life has been possible just because of their abilities and also that because they deserve it. Fair enough. But do u forget, theres someone who gave you this glorious thing called life? Theres God who has been there with you and for you since your essence sprouted up in the universe? Do you forget theres there is someone who held your arms and taught you how to walk, how not to wet ur bed, taught you everything , the every “how to” that u know till now, theres been someone holding your arms, helping you, feeding you, sharing all your pain and happiness, sacrificing for you and what not? Theres been someone who got you something, if not everything, but the something without which you wouldn’t have been anything now. No, m nt talking about any of those gods whom u pray “bhagwan, please clear this exam, I will offer u a coconut”. I am talking about those very two persons who have made your life possible and perceivable to you. In one word, PARENTS. They say God is “nirakar” ( possess no shape), I am not sure of that, I see my live GODs every morning I wake up.
Would you still call yourself an atheist? Ponder over it. God is all about believeing in a supreme being, not necessarily a Krishna, an allah or a Christ. Its for you to decide your supreme being, but hard to deny the fact, there are two GODs common in everybody’s life. The reason- No matter how much you try its utter impossible to pay back your parents and impossible things as we know always pertain to God, ain’t it?
OK. Now talking about the “God” wala God. So some of you would say theres no God. May be, but not necessarily be. Before the invention of the microscope, people did not believe in bacteria too. Before the invention of the telescope, people rebuked Galileo about his theory of Earth being round. Dear atheists, u can wait till the invention of the godoscope. Scientists say theres no god, the Big bang created the earth. No problem, but who created the big bang then? And if you have an answer to that, who created that, that created the big bang? I am sure the chain of questions never end if u don’t consider an assumption and u very well know what the assumption can be.
Honestly speaking, there is a reason to believe in a supreme being. If not anything, its about believing that someone always stands at a position higher than you, no matter what, which will prevent you from the notions of achieving invincibility and make the adage “sky is the limit” more realistic. Whoa!!Thats the effect of my bhai. God save me too!! And this is probably my last post till the end of sems. Love you my blog readers, especially if you are a pretty girl :P
Signing off
Craziness unlimited!!
Posted by
Monday, 16 May 2011
A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Indeed. So true is that. Or may be refining the thought in my mother language : “sundara trupti ra abasada nai, jete dekhuthilu nua disuthae”. Well that pretty much summarises the last statement. Now, how do u feel when you look at someone and get completely lost in “her”? That’s what you call the exuberance of beauty at its best. And that is so soothing to the eyes, that it enchants the mind, captivates the eyes and numbs all your senses. That’s what the girl of my dreams does to me. Well, hold on, I guess that might be a turn-off to begin with, but may be the title of the post is not as deceptive as it suddenly appears to you right now.
So, the girl of my dreams. A girl I have hardly known , hardly seen, hardly talked but I have closely felt and happily savoured. I am not sure if she is one of the most elegant looking fairies, not sure if she is the one which every guy wishes for, but yeah, m sure about one thing. She is the one for me, someone whose presence alters the meaning of the mere existence of the universe for me. No matter, what someone else would say, she appears to me as a verdant garden full of blissful flowers. Her smile enthralls my imagination, it seems like a hundred suns beeming to the sky making even the sun flinch, spreading the ultimate cheer that can ever exist. In my dreams, she smiles at me in the most assuring manner with the calm zephyr trying to sway her silky hairlocks. I can’t all but ogle in awe at her shimmering beauty and incandescent, fairly black hair carelessly cascaded upon her dainty, gentle shoulders. She struggles to keep her swirling hair out of her face and I get lost in the aura of innocence it depicts. She stands in the vibrant meadows leaving me utterly unarmed at her elysian presence.
But no matter what, behind all that, I can feel, theres something missing in her life. Theres the charm but not he glow, theres the smile but not the shine, deep down, she is yearning for something. She is trying to find herself, to find an identity may be, that’s her. I try to talk to her but I fail miserably. I am just scared that I wake up and she will be gone forever. The best I have done is to connect my heart to her thoughts, but the networks always out of reach :D. May be the Hutch dog hasn’t followed her everywhere she goes. Oops, dear reader, u must be too lost, eh??Chill..M back to my own self.
Theres no such dreams, theres no such girl. That was just my first blogging assignment :P. But m so happy!! A friend is so impressed with my blog that he gave me the cool assignment.Wohoo!! :). The summary was to deal with the expressions about a girl who luks happy, but bears some pain in her heart. And yeah, there have indeed been a few readers of my blog now, my earnest gratitude to them for sparing their all so important time.
But yeah now that the assignment is over, lemme spill the real girl off my heart. Friends, since some days I have been going really crazy about someone. Chill, m not in love or all that crap, but someone has been playing havoc with my blithe mind and my soft heart :P. Oops!!not to blame her. It’s the hormones..and their freaking over-activity maybe. Call it “chemical locha” in the words of Munna Bhai. So much so that I read about a motor, and the motor of her thoughts churn out my mind, I read about a generator, and the current of her imagination gives me shocks. Whoa!! I am going gaga about her. I go to bed, switch off the lights and then suddenly come back again to have a last look at her face, I sleep but I can’t.. I feel like getting up and shouting at the top of my voice- “stop freaking my mind and let me sleep”. Pretty much of what happens in movies, everything sort of that is happening with me.
Bloody hell, may be I am watching too many movies, damn, but I am not. Few days ago, when I desperately wanted to catch a glimpse of hers, she appears out of nowhere, may be that’s the last time I got to see her, but damn again, there seems to be a connection too.. The hormones are getting the better of me. May be I wanna talk to her, but I don’t. Coz I think I cant, or rather I won’t, not before she does. Blame my hell-bent ego for that. And I pity my 3 friends, who had to sustain the brunt of my madness since the last few days. C’mon!!M such a mature guy :P. All those things happen, the crush z gonna melt away soon, but I must say it’s a pretty much terrible one. Its getting onto my nerves. It keeps on poking my jolly good mind. So much its turned me into a poet :D
“She z like a key
Which can break me free
Un-she is me
Cut me is she”
Whoa!!I am sure that made no sense at all.. My sis says it’s a dreadful PJ. But yeah, that’s all that is meant for. LOL.
Signing off
So, the girl of my dreams. A girl I have hardly known , hardly seen, hardly talked but I have closely felt and happily savoured. I am not sure if she is one of the most elegant looking fairies, not sure if she is the one which every guy wishes for, but yeah, m sure about one thing. She is the one for me, someone whose presence alters the meaning of the mere existence of the universe for me. No matter, what someone else would say, she appears to me as a verdant garden full of blissful flowers. Her smile enthralls my imagination, it seems like a hundred suns beeming to the sky making even the sun flinch, spreading the ultimate cheer that can ever exist. In my dreams, she smiles at me in the most assuring manner with the calm zephyr trying to sway her silky hairlocks. I can’t all but ogle in awe at her shimmering beauty and incandescent, fairly black hair carelessly cascaded upon her dainty, gentle shoulders. She struggles to keep her swirling hair out of her face and I get lost in the aura of innocence it depicts. She stands in the vibrant meadows leaving me utterly unarmed at her elysian presence.
But no matter what, behind all that, I can feel, theres something missing in her life. Theres the charm but not he glow, theres the smile but not the shine, deep down, she is yearning for something. She is trying to find herself, to find an identity may be, that’s her. I try to talk to her but I fail miserably. I am just scared that I wake up and she will be gone forever. The best I have done is to connect my heart to her thoughts, but the networks always out of reach :D. May be the Hutch dog hasn’t followed her everywhere she goes. Oops, dear reader, u must be too lost, eh??Chill..M back to my own self.
Theres no such dreams, theres no such girl. That was just my first blogging assignment :P. But m so happy!! A friend is so impressed with my blog that he gave me the cool assignment.Wohoo!! :). The summary was to deal with the expressions about a girl who luks happy, but bears some pain in her heart. And yeah, there have indeed been a few readers of my blog now, my earnest gratitude to them for sparing their all so important time.
But yeah now that the assignment is over, lemme spill the real girl off my heart. Friends, since some days I have been going really crazy about someone. Chill, m not in love or all that crap, but someone has been playing havoc with my blithe mind and my soft heart :P. Oops!!not to blame her. It’s the hormones..and their freaking over-activity maybe. Call it “chemical locha” in the words of Munna Bhai. So much so that I read about a motor, and the motor of her thoughts churn out my mind, I read about a generator, and the current of her imagination gives me shocks. Whoa!! I am going gaga about her. I go to bed, switch off the lights and then suddenly come back again to have a last look at her face, I sleep but I can’t.. I feel like getting up and shouting at the top of my voice- “stop freaking my mind and let me sleep”. Pretty much of what happens in movies, everything sort of that is happening with me.
Bloody hell, may be I am watching too many movies, damn, but I am not. Few days ago, when I desperately wanted to catch a glimpse of hers, she appears out of nowhere, may be that’s the last time I got to see her, but damn again, there seems to be a connection too.. The hormones are getting the better of me. May be I wanna talk to her, but I don’t. Coz I think I cant, or rather I won’t, not before she does. Blame my hell-bent ego for that. And I pity my 3 friends, who had to sustain the brunt of my madness since the last few days. C’mon!!M such a mature guy :P. All those things happen, the crush z gonna melt away soon, but I must say it’s a pretty much terrible one. Its getting onto my nerves. It keeps on poking my jolly good mind. So much its turned me into a poet :D
“She z like a key
Which can break me free
Un-she is me
Cut me is she”
Whoa!!I am sure that made no sense at all.. My sis says it’s a dreadful PJ. But yeah, that’s all that is meant for. LOL.
Signing off
What then and What now!!!
Posted by
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Once again, our great university has put us under a lot of confusion over the schedule of the exams. Well that’s nothing new for us, but suddenly things have taken an unprecedented turn of events over some rumours about CET. Funny to see people going berserk against CET hurling out profanities in a group forum in FB. And yeah, even better , our cet stalwarts are leaving no stone unturned to poke their ass either.. Well my post has got nothing to do with that. Its just that the enlightening literature and the blasphemy used in the cnvo inside the posts reminded me of something..Actually a lot of things!!
Lemme tell u about an incident. I was in 3rd year, on my way back home in the college bus, and was busy ragging a 1st yearer, well no ragging, mind it.. It was just an interactive session :P. I asked the junior to say something which he denied to do. I asked y not and out came the answer “Sir, eguda kharap katha , mu kahibini”..All of us burst into laughter at his reply. That made me to ask him if I am a bad guy is what he meant. The terrified look in his eyes just made me tap his shoulders and let him go away. All I wondered is had it been those more enlightened seniors, then they would have ripped off a piece of the mind of that guy who showed quite a bit of irreverence.
That incident made me wonder what I was and what I have become. I remember when I first joined davcsp. I was a pure innocent dumbass. My new friends with all their friendly and polite manners, with the sole objective of testing my bhadra-ness, asked me to shout “alpha Q” at the top of my voice..N guess what, I did, only to realize to my embarrassment later what exactly that meant. That was just the beginning. I remember in 11th I had my tutors-cum-friends who sought to improve my language base. I was being taught the way kids are done in kindergartens.. A for beep..B for beep..C for beep and so on. Those beepy stuff sounded so funny to me. And my tutors were kind enough to grant me a chocolate everytime I blurted out one of those beeps.
I remember my first day at cet. And I specifically remember the sweet interactive session with my seniors in the bus. How sweet it was!!Literally in one day I was made to face all the A-Z beeps together. I found them even more enlightened than my skilled tutors. I wonder how that “mu kharap katha kahibini” wala guy wud hav tolerated the sabotage, u need a big heart for it and a deaf ear too :D. Anyway, it wasn’t very long before I was an amateur saboteur too :D. Very interestingly, one of those guys who had been a part of the alpha Q stuff, joined our college as a junior and I made him enact one of those Ads that is often shown as a public awareness campaign and that makes us feel so awkward in case an elder is watching TV wid us. I had my retribution, LOL.
But I was really shocked when I heard my nephews, kiddos in class-5 or 6, using expletives , which I din even have any idea about, till class 11..wow..dat is what you call the Gen-Y. OMG! I called up my friend, my closest friend actually to tell him what he lacks in :D. Well I do feel guilty at tyms that I spoiled my friend, but friends are often meant for that :P. I remember in 2nd year, one of my big bros had called me up and asked me, whether I had learned those esteemed words. N ya, whether I had “pata-ed” a “toki” or not. I din knw there was more enlightment coming from my bhai.. “ There are two category of boys. One who flirt and the others who comment”. Pity, I was in none of the categories. Not in the former coz of my my so-very-big hell-bent ego and not in the latter, coz I din want 2 :(.
Since then, I have come a long way. I have been a member of the elite MC group and we work out on our new innovations and making fun of it. Whatever it maybe, I feel surprised, there can still be people like one of my friends who talks to the juniors like “are suna, tama intro ta please daba?” :P. Nicest decentest guy u hardly see.
Well, whatever it maybe, there are a lot of things u learn in life. Good bad or a mix o both. U gotta use the thing in a proper mature way. Else no difference between an engineer and a rickshaw wallah. U gotta enjoy life and have fun, but you gotta have certain limitations too, not the way its going on in the bput forum in fb. Now whatever, just got the news that our exams got shifted. Implies, a** saved for a few more days. But I also feel sorry for a few people, whom the shift is gonna cause troubles. All u gotta to know is u r under an university which is just hopeless. So it is rightly renamed “bapa pua (jhia) under tension”.. That’s all from me right now.
Signing off
Lemme tell u about an incident. I was in 3rd year, on my way back home in the college bus, and was busy ragging a 1st yearer, well no ragging, mind it.. It was just an interactive session :P. I asked the junior to say something which he denied to do. I asked y not and out came the answer “Sir, eguda kharap katha , mu kahibini”..All of us burst into laughter at his reply. That made me to ask him if I am a bad guy is what he meant. The terrified look in his eyes just made me tap his shoulders and let him go away. All I wondered is had it been those more enlightened seniors, then they would have ripped off a piece of the mind of that guy who showed quite a bit of irreverence.
That incident made me wonder what I was and what I have become. I remember when I first joined davcsp. I was a pure innocent dumbass. My new friends with all their friendly and polite manners, with the sole objective of testing my bhadra-ness, asked me to shout “alpha Q” at the top of my voice..N guess what, I did, only to realize to my embarrassment later what exactly that meant. That was just the beginning. I remember in 11th I had my tutors-cum-friends who sought to improve my language base. I was being taught the way kids are done in kindergartens.. A for beep..B for beep..C for beep and so on. Those beepy stuff sounded so funny to me. And my tutors were kind enough to grant me a chocolate everytime I blurted out one of those beeps.
I remember my first day at cet. And I specifically remember the sweet interactive session with my seniors in the bus. How sweet it was!!Literally in one day I was made to face all the A-Z beeps together. I found them even more enlightened than my skilled tutors. I wonder how that “mu kharap katha kahibini” wala guy wud hav tolerated the sabotage, u need a big heart for it and a deaf ear too :D. Anyway, it wasn’t very long before I was an amateur saboteur too :D. Very interestingly, one of those guys who had been a part of the alpha Q stuff, joined our college as a junior and I made him enact one of those Ads that is often shown as a public awareness campaign and that makes us feel so awkward in case an elder is watching TV wid us. I had my retribution, LOL.
But I was really shocked when I heard my nephews, kiddos in class-5 or 6, using expletives , which I din even have any idea about, till class 11..wow..dat is what you call the Gen-Y. OMG! I called up my friend, my closest friend actually to tell him what he lacks in :D. Well I do feel guilty at tyms that I spoiled my friend, but friends are often meant for that :P. I remember in 2nd year, one of my big bros had called me up and asked me, whether I had learned those esteemed words. N ya, whether I had “pata-ed” a “toki” or not. I din knw there was more enlightment coming from my bhai.. “ There are two category of boys. One who flirt and the others who comment”. Pity, I was in none of the categories. Not in the former coz of my my so-very-big hell-bent ego and not in the latter, coz I din want 2 :(.
Since then, I have come a long way. I have been a member of the elite MC group and we work out on our new innovations and making fun of it. Whatever it maybe, I feel surprised, there can still be people like one of my friends who talks to the juniors like “are suna, tama intro ta please daba?” :P. Nicest decentest guy u hardly see.
Well, whatever it maybe, there are a lot of things u learn in life. Good bad or a mix o both. U gotta use the thing in a proper mature way. Else no difference between an engineer and a rickshaw wallah. U gotta enjoy life and have fun, but you gotta have certain limitations too, not the way its going on in the bput forum in fb. Now whatever, just got the news that our exams got shifted. Implies, a** saved for a few more days. But I also feel sorry for a few people, whom the shift is gonna cause troubles. All u gotta to know is u r under an university which is just hopeless. So it is rightly renamed “bapa pua (jhia) under tension”.. That’s all from me right now.
Signing off
Smile Please :)
Posted by
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Say CHEESE!!umm..wait..Temme something. Can you ever think of something that you give and still lose nothing? Its nothing more than a curve which seems to set everything right, it is something that points the corner of your mouth towards heaven, its something that adorned your sweet face 2 lines ago, its nothing but gathering small reasons of happiness into a pile, its all about a SMILE. Life gives us so many opportunities to smile, but often we fail to take them, but we forget that the world looks much brighter behind a smile, a smile can lighten up the darkest day.
Think about the reasons of why you should smile. Even thinking for a reason to smile becomes a reason to smile. And talking about reasons, we have so many!!Smiling at a light joke, at a funny situation, about some nostalgic moments, on seeing a good-looking guy/girl , smiling at nothing and on it goes. Well, the biggest reason is just for the sake of smiling. A smiling face always looks animated and vivacious, no matter what lies behind that face.
And yeah!!smiling is infectious. As a matter of fact, most smiles are contagious reciprocations of other smiles. And even better, you give it, it comes back right on to your face. Of everything you wear, smile tends to become the most prominent thing for the person who is trying to perceive you. You can spoil the day of your enemy with a smile and as far being an enemy is concerned, one must know that a frown is nothing, but a smile turned upside down, and when the frown is turned upside down again, it can alter the whole equation of enmity into friendship.
Quoting a line from P.S. I Love you “ Today give a stranger one of your smiles and that might be the only sunshine he sees all day”. That’s the power of smile. It has the power to heal, to offer the warmth of emotions and relief. And remember, life is just a reflection of whatever we think and do, smiling at the mirror of life is hence not at all a wasteful pursuit. You won’t ever find a smiling face that isn’t beautiful and the wrinkles that invade our face are nothing but the places where the smiles once resided, mind it my friends, smile can be your best make-ups to hide them. It is a best welcome note and the most powerful weapon. As Charles Reade said “ Beauty is power, a smile its sword”. And according to a fact, it takes 17 muscles to smile, but 43 muscles to frown. So why waste the extra energy??
But a smile tends to have its dark part too. Smiling scornfully, derisively, smugly or just smirking or simpering is not the real essence of exhibiting a smile. Its is more like misusing a virtue. A smile is supposed to be such that it caresses and heals the heart. So always do smile, u never know when and how someone gets in love with your smile.
Now the reason why smiling as a blog post entered my mind is the recent comment of my friends..They say I don’t smile in my pics. Well, I admit I don’t or rather I haven’t. I would like to elucidate a small lil story here. When I was around 8-9 years old, when my milk teeth were still milky, my permanent teeth suddenly began to invade them. Maybe I had become too mature that my permanent teeth couldn’t wait but sprout out. They started growing like climbers and creepers pushing apart my milk teeth and the outcome: The dentist had to forcefully uproot 7-8 of my milk teeth in a year or two.
So finally what happened was the teeth grew just like weeds wherever and whenever they wanted to. And that made me camera conscious. Reason: When I smile, two of my front teeth feel very happy to jump out of my mouth :(. So I always try to give a well calculated stretch of my lips which gets fully miscalculated. And the outcome: a stupid looking face :D. Worse is few of my elders who find my toothy smile “cute”.WTH!!Often in my skul days, I used to complain my mom to get my teeth in order with all that clipping n all. She would just laugh and repeat the same Sanskrit phrase “kochit dantaha murkhaha” ( Very rare people with protruding teeth are fools). I used to feel so irritated at the reply :(. But newaz, I hope that sad story would draw sympathetic feelings from my friends who wouldn’t complain anymore about why I don’t smile in a pic :D
Now whatever it maybe, I wish if this piece of writing would have given you even the least of smiles, then my post will be worth it. Remember something, “A friendly look, a kindly smile, a good act and lifes worthwhile”.
Signing Off
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- A.M.
- Well me!!umm..A tough one to express..but still often the simplest to understand. Love me, hate me, care for me or whatever-if your feelings are sincere, I intend to give back just in the same way. But, mind it, I am not a endorser of the “Give and Take” policy. Cool and light-hearted , blithe and non-chalant, I can just be the Tom every Jerry z looking for or vice versa :P. However, better don’t give in to my grave countenance, looks can indeed be deceptive!! Not someone who likes maintaining too high profile, but yeah, wanna be the best in the limited edition (if it is at all something that you can interpret). The temper of a tempest but still the master of jest, I love breathing the air, singing the song, gorging on the food and being lost in my own dreams and basking in the glory of something that’s god-gifted- Life . Happiness and cheer is my USP. And my recipe. Well, a lil hard with my ego and sensitivity at times, but I think that’s better being ignored. The most self-contrasting package, may not be complete, but just about optimum, that’s me . Be my friend and you will never regret, and if u do, kahani abhi baki hai mere dost ;)
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