There was this guy, lets call him Joe. Calm, apparently cool, smiling and so on! People attribute so many things that bring happiness in their lives. For him, happiness was just being loved, nothing else. Never did he make a fuss about anything. Very sincere, responsible about whatever he does and made to do, he made sure he gets everything done. He still doesn’t make any fuss about it.
But I wonder where he goes wrong. Is it actually him or is it people around him? There was a part of his life when success seemed an alien concept. It was hard to think of why he was where he was, in spite of the way he was, how he was. He had a small friend circle. All the revelling he did, was confined to this group. He never seeked attention then, never does, never will. He was still known to people. His actions spoke for him, he never did. But he always thought, was it the place for him?!!
He would always be too modest, not speaking a word about anything he did well, anything he was ever good at. Joe was a gentleman. And I don’t think anybody who talked to him would deny that. People around him , actually a lot of people made a lot of fuss about themselves. He would listen smile and admire and keep quite. He just believed God will give him what he deserved someday.
On the pursuit of being too very modest, he sometimes stopped believing in himself. I hated that about him. So much have I tried to explain him, that he is good, too good, he is just not ready to believe, even though he has already proved himself now. He believes he is getting lucky. Often do I draw his attention to the level of hard work he has done! He had failed too many times, has been very disappointed and heart-broken but never given up.
But interestingly, the world is so ironic again. Now he is in a much better place. He speaks very less now. Not that he doesn’t have friends. Not that he doesn’t enjoy his life with them, not that he is alone, but he speaks too very less now. I asked him the reason. Even he doesn’t know the reason for it. But yes again he works. He is still responsible, just not visible. And God knows why, people still talk about him. He is just so non-ignorable. People just find a reason to talk about him, may be they are just jealous!
Does he care? Yes he does. Why?? Because he is just too concerned about what everyone thinks about him. He says “ I never mess with anyone. I do my own work and even other’s work properly. I hardly talk. I never gossip. All I mean to is keep people happy, then why people have to be just so shitty at times?”. Well I have tried to make him understand that people talk, no matter what, just don’t care about it. But he does. And at the end of the day, I think its best the way he is, lets not try to change him. God made him that package. Let him be himself, may be someday he will be proud of what he is.
In each of us, is hidden a Joe. We see it. We question it. We answer it and in the end, we stay ourself. And believe me, that is what we are ever supposed to be!!
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